Saturday, August 27, 2011

Maybe this might work as a weekend catchup kind of blog. We'll see. I started today a bit earlier, I woke around 5:28 and then realized it was the weekend and went back to sleep but not for long, Caleb woke us up around 6ish with a nightmare. I got him back in bed but tossed and turned mostly. Cameron called for Daddy around 7ish and he went but said Cameron was still sleeping. Not long after he called out again. Despite Carey's offer to get him, I went ahead and got up.

Good thing I guess, I've already tidied up the kitchen, emptying the dishwasher, cleaning dishes, made a pot of coffee and a batch of iced tea. I lit a yummy Yankee Candle tart and the house smells even more like coffee now. Now to jot down a few quick thoughts and get my grocery list planning started. If I'm lucky, I can knock it out fairly early this morning and get some hang out time with the family this afternoon. Tonight Carey and I have a Date Night planned to go see a movie.

This week marked the start of school for Caleb. I took off half the Friday before last and Monday to go meet his teacher and just be home for the first day. He did fairly well with a few write ups so far. Hopefully it's just the adjustment of getting back and not a sign of how this school year will go.

On Tuesday I woke up bummed that I wasn't going to be off again. But a thought occurred to me before my feet hit the floor, this is my day to day life. Going to work is my day to day life. I shouldn't really be wishing it away and only looking forward to the few days off that come occasionally. I know, not rocket science, not an amazing discovery. But, it helped me get my mind in the day.

The juggle of everything just seems so overwhelming at times. But, as I pondered these thoughts more that same morning, I thought of some guy action movies of all things. The Matrix and Men in Black came to mind. You know the part where Neo gets the matrix at the end and taps into it and becomes super fast and invicible? Somehow I often think of that on those days when you get in the zone and approach the realm of "Super Mom". Or, how about Will Smith saying, "The difference between me and you is that I make this look good." Through this week I still kind of strived to be in the zone and make this look good. Of course along the way I was heading to a dentist appointment that I totally remembered and had posted on my calendar but realized I was within a day or so of our car bills being due and I had totally forgotten to schedule those! Thank goodness for Online Banking and fast turnaround time. Anytime I miss the process of sticking on stamps and licking envelopes to tend to my bills, one of these last minute dashes reminds me of the huge benefit for tapping into technology.

Speaking of, I added a reminder on my online Cozi calendar to let it help me remember the car bills going forward since they are a book of payment coupons and so nothing arrives in the mail to trigger my memory. That should help if I don't ignore the reminder and neglect to write it down!

So, another weekend is starting. I'm sipping my coffee, the rest of the family has awoken in the time I've been writing. I got Caleb his breakfast and gave him one of his favorite shows on the tv. Cameron is starting to do his usual Dennis the Menace impression as he wanders the house seeking out trouble and mischief. This is it folks, real life so I guess we embrace it and make the most of it. Savor the treasures within the days. Got a little more of a cup of coffee, still warm but soon to turn too cold. Time to plan some menus and that grocery list.

Be well and maybe I'll check in again this time next Saturday. :)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Let's see, it's been close to almost three years since I posted last to this blog. Why today to start again? I don't know, lots of thoughts crossed my mind this morning since I've been up. It's amazing the amount of things that can happen in about an hour and a half in a household with still fairly young children.

At age 6, Caleb has mellowed a bit and can have moments where he likes to relax and chill out. He enjoys to sit and watch tv and play video game but at the same time he spends plenty of time creating drawings, collections, forts and various experiments with mixed success.

At age 3, Cameron seems to spend his day in contstant action with the thought of stopping being a dirty word. One moment he is busy with the oopses that seem to follow him around with sippy cups, open boxes of cereal and such. At others he seems to relish the moments of making a huge mess of Legos after dumping out the whole container and running through them. Why? I just don't know.

In the midst of all this, I seem to have this really strong craving for a peaceful, zen existence. Why, again I don't know. But how is the bigger questions plaguing me. How can a busy working mom find a true peace aside from stolen moments to the bathroom with the fan running. How do I quiet the outside and inside noise in my mind?

As I pondered this, this morning, I poured my morning cup of coffee. The sound a cartoon was blazing out of the tv and my spirit was wishing for one of my Aura tunes on one of the satellite stations. I would have loved to go sit in a quiet corner to savor my sips of French Vanilla goodness. And yet, the scent wafted up to me and I knew that even in the midst of the messy chaotic house, I could at least savor a little cup of zen and peace. Something just for me to give me a little treat to carry forward through my morning. And I had this idea to write.

I've thought about re-starting a blog for a while but I didn't know what I could possibly write that would be unique or any different than every other mommy blog out there. We all have kids that say and do the darndest things. Our stories of our kids are all sweet and wonderful. We all juggle an amazing amount of things. We all load ourselves up like pack mules to zip around to errands, school, work and such. We all have our skills and stengths. Some make it look so easy and they are always dressed so nice and serve their children organic meals from their backyard gardens.

Sigh, I am not one of those moms. I am so in love with being a Mom and yet I have the moments of doubt, overwhelming stress and so many feelings that seem out of place. And then, Cameron came to me as I started to write and he proudly told me that he had cleaned up all of the Legos. And he had, all nice and neat. I gave him a big hug and a kiss. And for just a moment, all was right in the world.

And now, my coffee mug is empty. I guess it's time to roll up my sleeves and set out to tackle changing sheets on beds. A mundane task but one I wanted to do this weekend. Everyone can start back in the school routine with clean sheets and pillow cases. Maybe even I can get to hubby's and mine to savor an extra nice welcome when we go "off duty" tonight and can climb into bed and unwind from another busy day in the trenches. Calls of "Mommy!" are awaiting me so off I go, who knows what I will find awaiting....another adventure around every corner....


Monday, December 15, 2008

Where has the time gone?

My goodness, early November was my last post? Oy! Last month zoomed by. One work trip, some sickies and there a month goes. Thank goodness for some fun times in between. The boys love playing together for good and for bad. Can't seem to get Caleb to understand that his little brother is still little! Wish he could just behave for one evening.

My work has continued to be quite crazy busy and makes the days go by quick during the week as well.

Cameron has his two bottom teeth in front and is maybe working on a top one now. Although I thought one was coming a few weeks ago. Guess it was a return ear infection instead. Caleb had a wonderful 4th birthday party. Can't believe he's four already!

Anywho, can't think of more to say for now. Better finish up as there are baths to give and things to do before bedtime.

All the best of the holidays to all of you!!!


Friday, November 7, 2008

Two teeth coming!

Yes, the second bottom tooth is trying to pop out as well. I'm sure it will be awhile before I can capture a good toothy grin of Cameron's. The first tooth hasn't fully come in yet. Considering the teething, Cameron has been pretty good. We've had a few longer stretches of sleep at night. Again we had to try and up his bottles and meals during the day. Maybe it is now working, we'll see.

Now is kind of a lull after Halloween is done and before we really gear up for Christmas. But, I am already thinking and planning. Before that though, we have Caleb's fourth birthday coming up in December! Four years!!! Wow! I think this weekend I will start gearing up for the Scooby Doo party and get at least the invitations going.

I've been re-assigned to a new client at work so that is giving me a fresh start and a new challenge. I've had a few weeks to peek at things and I'm starting to feel a little more confident. Of course next week I start to move more closer to the front line on the titles. Maybe then I'll start to feel differently. We'll see. I'll take each day as it comes. Always good to keep learning something new though!

Well, hope everyone is doing well. I'll try to get some more shots of the boys and upload them soon.

Take care and be well,